Building and Condo Maintenance

10 Condominium Maintenance Tips for the Spring

10 Condominium Maintenance Tips for the Spring

Spring is in the air, and any good property management company knows it’s time to start doing some maintenance work on your building to undo the damage from winter and prepare for the warmer season. Here is a list of the basics:

  1. Check the roof. The snow or ponding water after a rainfall will offer the perfect opportunity to check for leaks.
  2. Clean out the gutters. They’ll be much needed for the spring rains.
  3. Repair the facade. If the cold weather has caused any part of your building exterior to deteriorate, fix it now (or at least begin the planning process) before spring rains wash more material away and make it worse.
  4. Reinsulate. The fluctuating temperatures of winter often cause the caulking around exterior doors and windows to crack and peel away. Check these seals and recaulk if necessary.
  5. Do some maintenance on the furnace. It has been working all winter, and won’t be used for 9 months, but it doesn’t hurt to check on it and prep it for next winter.
  6. Inspect the AC. It’s not quite warm enough to use one yet, but if any repairs are necessary, you want to have plenty of time to fix them before summer temperatures kick in. It’s always best to schedule the AC tech in warmer temps to ensure that the system is delivering cool, conditioned air.
  7. Wash the windows. Winter causes a lot of grime buildup that you won’t want to see when you’re enjoying the spring view.
  8. Clean common areas thoroughly. Now that salt and slush won’t regularly be tracked through them, you can clean the carpets and do a thorough spring cleaning.
  9. Repair the sidewalks and parking lot. This winter was exceptionally harsh on asphalt surfaces, so you might have to get a head start on repairing the damage. The City of Chicago has various programs to assist with City property repairs.
  10. Landscaping. The receding snow often reveals an unideal landscape, so if you building has grass or garden areas, start getting them up to shape.

Follow these these ten tips, which should help you get an early start on the spring season and keep your building in optimal health.

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