Chicago Living

2021 Updates: Property Management Services & Safety

The past year has been, to put it mildly, one of the most interesting years in recent memory, and this goes for property management as much as anything else. We’ve had to change our systems and adapt on the fly to ensure that the buildings under our management were safe for all tenants.

Here are just some of the things we did over the last year:

  • We increased staffing by 47% to accommodate increased volume of resident requests and calls, which more than doubled as a result of COVID-19 concerns. More residents were working from home, and spending more time in the building in general.
  • We added enhanced mobile applications as well as new web features on client portal to make online features more accessible to clients and vendors.
  • We spent a considerable amount of resources ensuring compliance with local, state and federal requirements in response to COVID-19, additional communications and resources needed for cleaning oversight, and other safety measures.
  • We implemented virtual meeting software to accommodate Board and Association meetings, remote invoicing approvals, as well as electronic forums for coordinating and paying vendors.
  • We implemented a delinquency team to more closely monitor non-payment of assessments, enhanced outreach to delinquent owners, etc.

In all, it’s been a trying year, but we rose to the challenge, and we feel like it’s made us stronger as a company. We look forward to meeting new challenges in 2021!

Ready to manage your building with ease? We’re ready to jump in!

Get started with a proposal request.