Chicago Living

The Benefits of Going Digital in Building Management

In this day and age, the majority of property management companies have introduced a digital component to their services, and with good reason. In our increasingly digital world, communicating with owners and property managers is infinitely easier online.
A digital portal enables your property management company to:

  1. Send out digital communications to a mailing list of building residents, quickly and effectively notifying everyone with building updates, tips, best practices, events, and
  2. Present residents and owners with sensitive documentation that can be safely behind a login portal.
  3. Collect monthly assessments online, which is now the method most owners prefer to pay.
  4. Have an emergency and non-emergency repair request forms online that automatically alert the responsible party of what needs to be done.
  5. Send surveys or other inquiries to everyone in the building when trying to find out information about their building experience.
  6. Conveniently keep notes about the property management company’s interaction history with each individual owner, which ultimately helps to improve customer service.
  7. Keep a digital building directory that allows building residents to contact each other about various issues.
  8. Advertise that the property management company offers a modern and convenient user interface that’s in touch with the times.

Have a question about how we’re improving property management via digital channels? We’re happy to discuss—get in touch with us!

Ready to manage your building with ease? We’re ready to jump in!

Get started with a proposal request.