Design & Lifestyle

Having Guests Over for the Holidays? Some Building-Related Tips

The holidays are traditionally a time spent with friends and family. The greater number of guests and celebrations also call for some consideration when it comes to your building.

First, holidays are a crucial time for building security. With some residents being out of town, and others having guests in from out of town, the building community is in flux and there’s a bigger opportunity to miss potential security issues. Remember the following tips:

Be aware of who you’re buzzing inholidays naturally mean more people coming in and out of buildings—delivery personnel, guests, maintenance workers. Never buzz in anyone you don’t know; if they need access to the building, they should go through the proper channels.

Make sure doors, gates, and garages are shut behind the guestsalong the same lines, make sure any of your own guests close all exterior access areas after them.

Remember the restrictions on using Airbnbplease remember why listing your condo on Airbnb is not a good idea. You might be tempted to do so if you’re going away for the holidays, but keep in mind that the security risks created by Airbnb affect not just you but everyone in the building. Also, building associations in Chicago have governing documents that most, if not all, currently include strict restrictions which prohibit short term leasing.

Secondly, remember that while you may be having a blast with your guests, you may have neighbors who want to enjoy peace and quiet.

Follow building noise ruleseven holiday parties should follow the standard noise regulations. In addition, it’s best to tell your neighbors ahead of time when you plan to entertain more than a few guests, so they can plan for the potential noise issues ahead of time.

Respect common areasrefrain from congregating in the common areas in a way that prevents their use by other building residents.

Follow these simple tips to ensure everyone in the building stays happy and safe this holiday season.

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