It can be frustrating when association members don’t pay their dues on time, or at all. If multiple members are behind on payments, this can create financial difficulties for the association and may impact its ability to provide services or run programs. Here are some recommendations for dealing with this situation:
1. Communicate with members who are behind on their dues. Send a reminder notice or make a phone call to remind them of their outstanding balance.
2. Be understanding of members who are having financial difficulties. Offer assistance and work with them to find a way for them to continue their membership.
3. If late payments are a common occurrence in your building, consider offering a discount for early payment of dues.
4. Implement a policy providing clear protocols for untimely payments, including any fees or fines affiliated with this. Reference this policy when applying fees for late payments as a way to apply fair treatment across all association members.
5. If necessary, take legal action against members who have failed to pay their dues after repeated attempts to collect payment. This should be done as a last resort and only after all other options have been exhausted.
6. Keep accurate records of all communication and payments made by members. This will be helpful if you need to take legal action against a member who has failed to pay their dues.
7. Review your membership dues structure on a regular basis to make sure it is fair and equitable for all members. You may need to increase dues if you are having difficulty collecting payment from members.
Sometimes, timely payments of association fees can be improved by an experienced property management company. Request a proposal for association management services today to find out more!