Hales Property Management Newsletter

November Newsletter

Inside this Newsletter

  • Important Dates to Remember
  • Updates at Hales Property Management
  • Preparing Your Condo for Being Away on Vacation
  • Best of the Hales Blog
  • Maintenance Tip: HVAC Inspections
  • From the Desk of Keith Hales

Important Dates to Remember:

Updates at Hales Property Management

Hales is expanding! We are excited to announce the opening of our third office located at 1415 W. Chicago Ave. The main office will remain at 1411 W. Chicago.

Our offices will be closed Thursday November 25th and Friday November 26th for Thanksgiving. We’ll be back at it again on Monday November 28. The online web portal will continue to be available 24/7 for any non-emergency requests.

We are also thrilled to welcome four new buildings to our portfolio: 15 S. Throop, 1440 N. Maplewood, Churchill and Granville Park Condominium Association.

Q & A


Q: I disagree with my homeowner’s association on a particular issue. What can I do about it?

A: The HOA is there to look out for the interests of all owners, but it’s very possible that you may find yourself disagreeing with the association on a particular matter. 

If you find yourself in this situation, you have two potential courses of action. For one, you could try to convince to association that you should be excepted from this particular rule or policy, because of circumstances that are unique to you. If your reasons are good, you may have a shot. Otherwise, your only recourse would probably be to try to get consensus among the other owners and have the rule changed via a formal vote at one of the association meetings.

Interested in a Career with Hales?

Hales Property Management is currently hiring. If you are up to the challenge of the exciting world of property management in Chicago, view our available positions today.

Maintenance Tip:

HVAC Inspections

One of the most essential measures you can take to keep your HVAC unit running at peak performance is to be proactive.
Having your HVAC inspected annually will help keep your system running at peak efficiency and will help with identifying any potential issues to keep your unit from experiencing major breakdowns. The biggest benefit of cleaning the system is to save money. Cleaning the system allows it to operate efficiently which in turn saves on electricity.

Call Keith’s Handyman Services today to schedule an appointment for just $95.
By doing so, your furnace will:

  • Have better air flow
  • Have less particles in the system including dust mites and allergens
  • Break down less, especially during the cold spells.
  • Extend the practical life of the system.

See below for more information on how to schedule an appointment today!

Preparing Your Condo for Being Away on Vacation

prep-4-travelMore people travel during the end-of-year holidays than at any other time during the year. Some simple steps can help keep your condo safer during the holidays.

1. Put your mail on hold. If you’re going to be away for more than 3 days, it might be worthwhile to contact the post office and get them to hold your mail. This will prevent mail buildup in your box, which can also tip off others that your home is unattended.

2. Don’t turn the heat off. If you live in a cold climate (aka Chicago), you should keep the heat
on high enough to prevent pipes in your condo from freezing (usually around 65°F).

3. Invest in light timers. To keep your condo safe, you should maintain the appearance of it being lived-in. The easiest way to do that is to put some lights on a timer to go on every evening.

4. Get a neighbor to check up. Ultimately, nothing beats a human presence. So, it is ideal if you can get a neighbor to check up on your place while you’re away (bonus: they can water your plants while they’re looking the place over).

5. Don’t advertise on social media. Finally, keep
in mind that the world is now connected like never before. Telling the world (via social media) that you’re going away and leaving your house empty
for a week is probably not the best idea when considering home security.

Happy holidays and safe travels!

From the Desk of Keith Hales

Keith Hales

 I’m excited to say over the past month that we’ve expanded to a third office location and we’ll soon be supplementing our team with two additional Property Assistants, as well as an additional Property Manager.

 We’ve also been busy getting ready for the winter season and we will be sending out notices regarding snow removal expectations, as well as some quick weatherization tips. Additional helpful information can be found on our blog.
We’ll be hosting another “Meet and Greet your Property Manager” event that will be held Wednesday, November 30 from 6PM until 7:30PM at Lush Wine & Spirits (1412 W. Chicago Ave.).Please stop by for some face time with our managers and assisting staff. We’ll be serving drinks and appetizers. A formal invitation will be sent out soon, but for now please save the date. We’d love to see you there!
As a friendly reminder, we are quickly winding down ourSummer/Fall projects and preparing for budget and annual meeting season, which is typically our busiest time of the year.  Please continue to send us your requests via our web portal system.  Simply click on “resident login” at  www.halesinc.com and select “Contact us”. Our team of Property Assistants are trained to respond within onebusiness day. To date, we have processed over 2,300 resident requests. Please keep them coming!
 As always, your opinion matters to me.  Please let me know how we can improve our services by sending an email or contacting me directly at 312.757.4651 with any suggestions.
Keith J. Hales | President | CAM | Managing Broker

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